Focus, Inc Tested Our 1000th Patient on QbTest!
Focus, Inc has just tested our 1000th patient on QbTest! It has been just over 2 years since Focus-MD met with Qbtech in Stockholm. Focus-MD agreed that QbTest would be valuable to the U.S. medical community in general and the needs of Focus-MD offices in particular! Focus, Inc, the Mobile practice of Focus-MD founder, James Wiley, MD, has just completed testing our 1000th patient. Many thanks to all at Qbtech for their support in our mission to improve the quality of care for ADHD patients! QbTest is FDA cleared as a device with proven value in improving the diagnosis and management of ADHD. It is the only FDA approved device for assisting clinicians in measuring treatment effect. To learn more about QbTest and how Focus-MD uses it, please visit or click here. Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Pin with… Read More »

ADHD – It’s real, Dude!
Real life stories from the world of ADHD. Recently, in a discussion with a 20-year old Engineering student at Focus-MD, we discussed his journey through the world of ADHD medicine. Specifically as it related to his experience of being on medication for three months and then off for one year. Below is his story: “I stopped my medication because my mom doesn’t believe in ADHD. But Dude, it’s real. I'm sitting in class, in our new engineering building, and the fluorescent lights are messed up. There are 12 of them in a row and they flash constantly and click every three seconds. When I am not noticing this I am thinking—'Seriously?! Why are the lights messed up in the NEW engineering building?!'" Before my professor came into the classroom, I proceeded to get on my desk in an effort to… Read More »
Dr. Smith of Focus-MD Richmond is nominated for EVB Loves Small Business Contest
In this interview, Dr. Stephanie Smith talks about her goal of opening the Focus-MD clinic in her community. Her goal is to promote self-awareness for children and young adults who have ADHD and to increase interest in mental health in the community. The difference between our clinic and other doctors offices, Dr. Smith says, is that we don't just give the children medication. We know it is a larger issue that involves looking at the child as a whole and their environment. The reason EVB Bank is sponsoring small business in the community is to focus on the importance of small business. Dr. Smith says she likes the ability to take time with each patient and get to know them, not only as a patient, but on a personal level. This is how the clients become comfortable with her and… Read More »
Finding ADHD Friendly Jobs.
Living with ADHD is frustrating to children sometimes. They don't understand why they are different or can't do things with ease the way other children do. However, ADHD doesn't just end in childhood. ADHD symptoms continue into adulthood for about 60% of children with ADHD. That translates into 4% of the U.S. adult population, or 8 million adults. Because ADHD is often thought of as a disorder that is characterized by impulsiveness, inability to focus and hyperactivity, many adults who live with this day to day have a hard time in their careers. Adults with ADHD may have difficulty following directions, remembering information, concentrating, organizing tasks, or completing work within time limits. This can make it increasingly difficult to find and succeed in competitive job market of today. What many adults don't think about is, maybe the jobs they are… Read More »
What Can You Expect From Clonidine? Dr. James Wiley
Clonidine is a medication that has been used off label for ADHD symptoms for years. Off label means that the medication is not approved by the FDA for the indication of treating ADHD. Clonidine is an alpha agonist, not a stimulant and it is not a controlled substance. It is FDA approved for treating hypertension and lowers blood pressure. It is the side effects of clonidine that make it helpful in treating ADHD in some cases. It can have a calming and often sedating effect and has been demonstrated to help with impulse control. Because it can be sedating it can be used before bedtime to help patients with ADHD sleep. Kapvay is a brand name product that contains clonidine in a long acting preparation that IS approved by the FDA for ADHD as a single therapy or in combination… Read More »